Monday, July 28, 2008

This is my teacher, Kiyama Sensei. He was the watching the enbu at the beginning of the Shiga Taikai. It was 35C (~95F) that day. I was genuinely worried he would get sick from the heat while wearing the full, formal montsuki.

Yeah, the picture is dark, but I haven't figured out how to lighten photos yet. (Chuck fixed it for me. Thanks Chuck). It is a demonstration of Muso Shinden Jushin Ryu. Yes, you've never heard of it. Yes, it is a branch of Muso Shinden Ryu. No, it is not just like MSR. It is quite different, with some unique kata of their own, and a chiburi I have never seen anywhere else.


  1. I believe Ishido Sensei does that style in addition to Muso Shinden Ryu. During seminars in Stockholm many years ago - when I was new to it - he also showed me MJER versions of the MSR waza he taught to the other students. Waiting for the definite dates for his coming to our 2009 Summer Seminar (June) in Goteborg - with participants from many countries (maybe some more MJER people also). Regards Arne Oster

  2. It's strange. I've seen books on Muso Shinden Jushin Ryu, but it was only last year that I realized there are a lot of people in Shiga that do it. It's good to hear there are people elsewhere who also do it. If you see him again, please ask about it. I haven't had a chance to chat with any of the teachers in Shiga about it.


  4. Hi Arne,

    That's the stuff!
    Thanks for the link.

