Saturday, January 11, 2014

Laws of Budo

I have a few rules of budo.  Maybe you can add some more.

The Laws Of Budo

1.  Don't be there.  Don't be where the fight starts.  If that fails, don't be where the blow falls.  Just don't be there.

2.  There is no perfect in budo.  There is only progress.

3.  If you find yourself in a fair fight, there is something wrong with your tactics and strategy.

4.  Maximum effectiveness, minimum effort (Kano Shihan was a genius).

5.  Getting hit up side the head with a stick is a great reminder of why you don't want to get hit with a stick.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if you ever read 20 principles of Karate by Funakoshi Sensei.
    I will add a few:

    - Never forget your own strengths and weaknesses, the limitations of your body, and the relative quality of your techniques
    - There are very few reasons to really fight for. But if you started, finish it quick.
    - The hit that will get you, is the one you don't see.
