Thursday, February 5, 2015

More On Rei

My friend and colleage, the Rogue Scholar, has posted an excellent follow-up on the subject of rei 礼. She looks at an vital aspect of it that I had not really touched on, the aspect of  rei  as a means of self-restraint. Her essay is well worth the time to read, and can be found at  Please take a look and let me know what you think.


  1. Yes your friend's article is interesting. I even know the Google+ video where she copied the idea and most of the text from (but shssh let's not tell anyone else it can be our secret) after all it can always be called 'research'

  2. Sir,
    I, and my friend, both take plagiarism extremely seriously. So if you want make a charge of plagiarism, you must also provide the evidence, or I will have to remove your comment.

    Having said that, people have been discussing these aspects of rei for 2600 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if this aspect of rei has been discussed more than a few times throughout history.

  3. I stand by what I said.

    Also the 2,600 years thing is an easy cop out. You yourself make many glaring errors because you copy from the internet and don't do original research (like mistaking the kanji for Shugyo as 修行 when it's actually 修業) Next time you are in Japan don't just hang around Kaminoda's dojo (Osato and the others are not that good btw) Ask around - you might find better.

    OK go ahead ban me now, delete these uncomfortable comments and stick you head in the sand. Go back to sounding like a real guru and glowing in the praise of 13 years old on ebudo.

  4. William,
    I'm happy to let your comments stand. You express your opinion quite clearly, and I think anyone reading can judge its true worth.

    By the way, from the Kenkyusha Dictionary
    しゅぎょう2【修行】 外字(shugy ̄o)
    〔鍛練〕 training; practice; 〔勉学〕 study; 〔苦行〕 ascetic practices; discipline.

    しゅうぎょう1【修業】 外字(sh ̄ugy ̄o)
    〔修学〕 pursuit of 「knowledge [a skill]; study; 〔修了〕 completion of a course.
