Photo Credit Patricia Anderson Copyright 2023
budo schools teach many things: strikes, throwing techniques, joint
locks, strangles, weapons, defenses, counterattacks, proper
breathing, proper walking, techniques for receiving attacks, ukemi.
However, the one thing every koryu budo school that I have
encountered spends the most time teaching and practicing isn’t any
of these techniques. It’s awareness; self-awareness, spatial
awareness, temporal awareness, and awareness of others.
purposely limiting this to koryu budo because gendai budo spend most
of their practice time drilling competition techniques and sparring.
Koryu budo schools spend most of their practice time on mental focus
and awareness. If you give it a little consideration, it is clear
that the amount of time spent on technical skills is second to what
is spent on awareness and mental development.
bulk of koryu budo training is kata. Pick any koryu budo ryuha and
watch some of their kata. A kata might take anywhere from 10 to 30
seconds from the start to finish of one repetition. The technique
practice in the kata will generally last from 1 second to around 10
seconds. The rest of the time is spent practicing awareness and
focus. This is true whether it is iai or kenjutsu or jojutsu or
naginata or jujutsu or anything else.
we look at the first iaido kata in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu and Muso
Shinden Ryu, the kata starts while the practitioner is standing. She
takes the time to sit in seiza carefully and attentively. Once she is
sitting, she does not rush into drawing her sword. She stays calm and
focused. She begins moving carefully, being fully aware of what she
is doing and what her kaso
opponent) is supposed to be doing. She begins drawing her sword
slowly, completely focused on the situation, and does not rush
anything. When everything is right, she finishes her draw and cuts
quickly across kaso teki. She pushes forward and raises the sword
over her head, then cuts quickly down through kaso teki. She pauses.
Focusing and extending awareness, she considers if kaso teki is still
a threat. She shifts her blade and pushes it slowly out to her right,
then brings it in close to her head and drops it across her front for
the chiburi and rises to her feet, all the while remaining focused on
kaso teki, just in case the threat has not been completely
eliminated. She pushes her right foot back into a relatively deep
stance. Maintaining her focus on kaso teki, she brings her left hand
to the koi guchi, and the tsuba close to her left hand. She pulls the
back of the sword along her left hand until the tip drops into the
opening in her hand and then slowly brings the saya over the sword
tip and begins sheathing the sword, still staying focused on kaso
teki. As she sheathes the sword, she slowly lowers herself to her
left knee. Once the sword is sheathed there is a pause while she
continues to focus on kaso teki. She rises, still focusing on kaso
teki. Only after all of this, does she lift her eyes from kaso teki.
Maintaining her mental focus, she expands her awareness to the whole
space around her, and then she returns to her starting place with
deliberate care and focus.
a lot of time and effort to practice two cuts. The most important
lesson isn’t the draw or the cuts. It’s the focus and awareness.
Awareness combined with the ability to focus on what is critical are
the most important skills in koryu budo. That’s why we spend more
time practicing them then everything else combined. Awareness will
keep you out of more fights than any technique can win, and focus
will prevent distractions that cause losses.
koryu kata spend just as much time on awareness and focus as iai kata
do. Take the omote kata Monomi from Shinto Muso Ryu. The partners
start facing each other separated by around five to seven steps. The
kata starts when tachi raises their bokuto to chudan. Jo carefully
moves their weapon so that they are holding it by one end with the
right hand and the other end is touching the ground on their left
side, all while maintaining perfect focus on tachi. Tachi raises the
sword to hasso
steps forward with their left foot, keeping their eyes and mind
focused on jo. Tachi advances carefully into cutting range without
breaking their focus on jo. When they are one step away from being
able to cut jo, tachi swiftly raises the bokuto, steps forward and
cuts jo’s head.
has spent all of this time focused on tachi, ready to act the moment
tachi begins any sort of attack. The instant tachi begins to raise
their bokuto, jo moves just enough to the left to be out from under
the bokuto’s cut and simultaneously brings their weapon up. As the
sword is cutting through the space where jo’s head was, jo steps
back with their right foot and brings their weapon down on tachi’s
wrist. Tachi and jo are each focused on the other, minutely aware of
each other. Tachi pulls their bokuto out from under the jo and steps
back into jodan. As tachi is stepping back, jo whips their weapon
around and points the end directly at tachi’s eyes, preventing
tachi from stepping forward to attack. Then jo steps forward and
thrusts the stick into tachi’s solar plexus. Jo carefully raises
their weapon to tachi’s eyes, and tachi carefully slides back and
lowers their bokuto. Jo and tachi are focused on each other, watching
for the least sign that the other will try another attack. Jo moves
their hands to the ends of their weapon and places their right hand
on their thigh without letting their focus on tachi waver. Jo shifts
their hands on the ends of the weapon and tachi deliberately pulls
their left foot back to their right foot. Jo brings their left hand
to their front and slides their weapon through their right hand to
its middle and brings their left foot forward next to their right
foot. Tachi begins to carefully retreat back to their starting point,
remaining focused on jo the entire time. After tachi has taken their
first step back, jo begins carefully backing towards their starting
point, never letting their eyes leave tachi or their focus waver.
a lot of time spent focusing on each other to practice one cut, one
strike, and one thrust. The action takes about a second, maybe two.
The rest of the kata is spent developing focus and awareness. When
will tachi attack? Jo doesn’t move until tachi begins their attack.
Move too soon and the opening is lost. Move too late and you’re hit
in the head. Tachi has to be aware of everything that jo is doing and
not doing. Jo has to be just as focused on tachi. If jo’s focus
wavers for the smallest instant, tachi can cut them before they can
act. After the cut and counter strike there is a brief impasse, with
the partners focusing to sense the smallest intention to do
something. If tachi tries to do anything other than step back, jo has
to sense it and ram their weapon into tachi’s solar plexus. If
tachi detects jo’s focus slipping they will instantly launch an
the final thrust, jo and tachi are still focused on each other, each
without an iota of trust for the other, until they are finally back
to their starting points and the kata is over. The ability to
maintain that sort of focus without letting it break for the
slightest instant takes time to develop. Jo often learns to not trust
tachi the hard way. I let my focus waver towards the end of a kata
once and tachi hit me, seemingly without warning. As my sense of
awareness improved, I began to sense when tachi was going to try to
“cut” me and I could move to stop it. When I got better, I could
sense tachi’s intention and shut it down by sharpening my focus,
without making any movement. As tachi, I’ve learned to watch for
breaks in my partner’s focus and attack into them. Jo learns to
never trust tachi for an instant.
principle lesson in koryu budo is mental. It’s the one that we
devote most of our practice time to, and it’s the one that is most
applicable to every moment of every day. Stay aware and focused.
Don’t let your attention be diverted from what is important.
society doesn’t encourage focus or awareness. We are surrounded by
distractions. TV, radio, internet, cell phones. Advertising works
best when it can distract your mind, interrupt your focus and make
you think about what the advertiser wants you to think about.
Distracted driving is such a menace that it injures more people than
drunk driving does, and the number of deaths attributed to it is
climbing fast. We have trouble staying focused in classrooms and in
offices. Distractions on worksites are as much of a danger as
distracted driving.

to focus and be aware was never easy though, even without our modern
distraction machines. If it had been, the people who crafted the
koryu budo that we train in would not have devoted so much of their
pedagogy to practicing staying focused and being aware. All the other
things we do in the dojo feed back into this principle lesson. If
your breathing and posture are bad, you can’t focus nearly as well
as when you are upright and breathing properly. If you are tense, you
will focus on the wrong things, and you’re liable to react to the
wrong stimuli. Proper posture and breathing help you to stay relaxed
so you remain focused on what is critical.
essential mental state in koryu budo is known as heijoshin
Japanese. One reading of heijoshin is “normal mind”. When I was
first learning this I thought it was strange, because the focused and
aware mind that koryu budo teaches is anything but normal in the
world I live in. I don’t meet many people outside koryu budo who
can combine focus and awareness like the experienced koryu budoka I
have known. This kind of mind is special, and requires a great deal
of specialized training to achieve. The goal of all this time spent
practicing focus and awareness in the dojo is to transform that
special state of mind into our “everyday mind”.
focused and aware is more complicated than just paying attention. You
have to learn how to mentally acknowledge things beyond you and your
training partner without losing your focus on your partner. I’ve
seen people who didn’t understand what was happening (or whose
awareness was atrocious) walk right up to people who are swinging
weapons about. I’ve also trained in a lot of places that weren’t
exactly perfect for what I was practicing. Places where the walls
were a little too close to be able to move as you want to in the
kata, or where there is a pole or other object in an inconvenient
spot in the dojo, or outdoors on uneven footing. If you are so
focused on your partner that you don’t know what else is going on
around you, or where the walls and obstructions are, or what is under
foot, you need more awareness practice.
your understanding of budo grows deeper, you begin to be aware of
critical details that you couldn’t have noticed in the past, things
like what your partner can and cannot do from a particular stance or
position. In that Shinto Muso Ryu kata above, if tachi is so focused
on jo that they don’t notice where jo’s weapon is targeting, they
are likely to try an attack that will end with them (hopefully) on
the ground because down was the best direction to go to avoid the
counter-thrust to their eyes. If they are too slow or overcommitted,
they may end up taking the stick in their eye. Awareness includes
being aware of which options are open, and which are closed. When can
your opponent attack? Which potential attacks are viable, and which
can be ignored? Where is your opponent likely to attack you? Where is
your opponent open to your attack? This kind of awareness takes a lot
of time to develop, and you don’t develop it by doing reps. You
develop it by taking time to see your opponent and by taking the
opponent’s role. Slowly you become more aware of not just your
opponent, but of everything around you.
koryu budo, we spend more time practicing being focused and aware
than everything else we do combined. It’s that important. None of
the cool techniques will work if you aren’t aware of a threat or
aren’t able to stay focused on a threat. Awareness and focus are
critical at every step in training, and they are just as critical, if
not moreso, outside the dojo. Anyone who has driven on Detroit
freeways knows how important awareness and focus are to getting home
in one piece. There are accidents all over the freeways caused by
people who aren’t focused on driving and lack awareness of what is
going on around them. Detroit commuter traffic is the perfect
application for the focus and awareness that all of my koryu budo
training is developing.
Special thanks to Deborah Klens-Bigman PhD. for editorial support.